Kevin Carter, Q417

Kevin Carter, MBA Class of 2018, College of Charleston


Kevin is a solid project manager with experience in developing strategic customer engagement plans. His effortless charm and drive to move the team forward make him a welcome addition to any organization. During the Q417 Marketing Incubator, Kevin worked with a local application developer and developed customer success stories to showcase product value and drive the creation of on-brand sales enablement resources.

"I am grateful for the opportunity to work with Jamessina in the College of Charleston Marketing Incubator. This experience was applicable to real world situations by assisting area entrepreneurs in their marketing approach. I was able to work with clients and obtain knowledge as to how to better market and improve their product.
This helped me use my strengths in customer service to then transfer this insight into a customer success story. Throughout the marketing incubator, our team was able to brainstorm and approach each other with any problems or questions we may have had."
Jamessina Hille